Artistic Spectrum of a Tromemoir Sundance Artist – Onur Tukel

We continue to follow ONUR TUKEL, who is not only a Tromemoir artist, but his recent movie SEPTIEN was honored at the Sundance Film Festival and  which opens today
(Wednesday, July 6th) at the IFC Center!  We found tickets here: SEPTIEN IFC

Tukel’s artistic talent spans a very broad spectrum.  On the one hand, he is a talented G-rated illustrator of Children’s books (he has an upcoming book coming out soon) and of course he was the artist behind our fave Monsters and Daughters

But Tukel’s  artwork for SEPTEIN is drastically (and disturbingly!) different.  Check out this short video below about the art, the film and the art show in SOHO in NYC from  July 6-8.   Plus, All 65 paintings that he created for the film are going to be on display at the Pennington Gallery, 355 West Broadway, New York, NY 10013 for 3 short days…July 6-8th.

And, here is a brief  synopsis of the film:

Michael Tully’s SEPTIEN follows Cornelius Rawlings who returns to his
family’s farm eighteen years after disappearing without a trace. While
his parents are long deceased, Cornelius’s brothers continue to live
in isolation on this forgotten piece of land. Ezra is a freak for two
things: cleanliness and Jesus. Amos is a self-taught artist who
fetishizes sports and Satan. Although back home, Cornelius is still
distant. In between challenging strangers to one-on-one games, he
huffs and drinks the days away. The family’s high-school sports demons
show up one day in the guise of a plumber and a pretty girl. Only a
mysterious drifter can redeem their souls on 4th and goal.
Triple-threat actor/writer/director Tully creates a backwoods world
that’s only a few trees away from our own, complete with characters on
the edge of sanity that we can actually relate to. A hero tale gone
wrong, SEPTIEN is funny when it’s inappropriate to laugh, and
realistic when it should be psychotic.

Toxic Artist Update: Tommy Lombardozzi

We checked back in with Tromemoir artist TOMMY LOMBARDOZZI one year after his terrific illustration Switched At Birth won the Tromemoir Three Sisters Selection Award.  Switched At Birth (below) illustrates a defining moment for our dad, when once a beautiful blonde baby in swaddling clothes, he was kidnapped, and replaced with the dark haired, big nosed Lloyd Kaufman we know today.
We are not at all surprised to find that Brooklyn, NY based artist Lombardozzi is busy in his studio creating fabulous art.  WE INSIST you check out his latest work at

Absolutely worth taking a couple minutes to scan through his illustrations which range from darkly whimsical depictions of some very familiar superhero characters, to the deeper super creative images.  (Our absolute favorite continues to be Lombardozzi’s illustration of our dad, baby Lloyd Kaufman, being switched at birth, and yeah, it’s personal.)