Murder Loves Company… and INDEPENDENT FILM!

We Love Independent Film!

Check out the kickstarter page raising funding now for the production of MURDER LOVES COMPANY,  and get involved with rising film maker Jimmie Rogers on his latest production.

Jimmie Rogers is an film maker born in 1986 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Being from a military family, he grew up traveling and experiencing all forms of entertainment from around the world. Having asthma as a child, prevented him from taking part in most physical activities, so at the age of thirteen he picked up a camera instead. Since then he has studied many aspects of film, from the inner technical areas to the styles of acting and directing. He hopes to one day inspire kids to follow in his steps at taking their teenage aggression and turning it into a creative work.

Jimmy and his team have their act together, they are making their way in the indie film industry in Alabama, and they’ve got some short films already completed on their slate.

Here’s what you need to know:

The Story

A long time ago in a mall in the middle of Alabama employees of Suncoast decided to make a movie. Will Wallace, the writer and director, made Late Last Night, a film where two workers accidentally kill their district manager and then spend the night on a wild adventure trying to get rid of the body.

A few years later, while working with two of the actors in the film, they decided to play it during inventory. I was really taken by it and really loved the story. I had never and still to this day have never met Will, but after a few phone conversations, he gave me permission to rewrite Late Last Night in my own twisted way. Two years went by and I had written six different drafts, but it was finally finished. The previous film that had only been about sixty pages long was now ninety nine pages of chaos. It has been another two years since I have finished the script, and I feel I have a bit more knowledge and experience behind the camera to actually make this. The only things missing is the camera and the tripod…and the lights….and the well everything.

The Film

When Patrick and Norman get their roommate, Remy, a job at the TV station with them, he ruins everything in one night. With everyone fired, Remy attempts to get his friends’ jobs back. Failing to do so, he panics and kills their boss. Now the three must spend the night finding a way to cover it all up. The bodies are piling up, and their car is running out of room fast.

Alcohol, hallucinations, blood, guts, chainsaws, and one dead hippie.

Where You Come In

The great thing about how I wrote this film is that every location used is a place I know exists and can gain access to with very little or no problems at all. So the backing donations needed have the ability to go to many other places.

Travel: The film will be shot in both Prattville and Montgomery, Alabama. With the rising cost of gas, I want the crew to be able to get where they need to be with no worries about gas in their cars.

Food: I have learned on previous short films that food is the main ingredient to keep the crew awake and moving into the long hours of the night. With about twenty people expected to work on this project, food will definitely be needed.

Equipment: We have nothing to work with at the moment. After working on a few other films and learning cost effective ways at buying and using equipment, we can make this money go a very long way. Cameras, sound equipment, and lighting equipment are a few of the things this money will go to.

The opportunity to work on film in Alabama is basically nonexistent. Many larger production companies take their work to other states such as Georgia or Louisiana due to recent tax breaks for their production companies. This leaves the film makers of Alabama incapable of pursuing what they want and love to do. Last summer film maker and photographer Stephen Poff took his time to teach us how to use this equipment with first hand training on two short films. Under his guidance and the help of Rory Anglin (director of Black Bayou) we learned how to create amazing film.

This is what we accomplished:

Your Casanova:

Black Bayou:

By funding this film not only will you fund this particular project but you will help fund any future projects as well. You will also lend the opportunity to work on film to many people. Filming this movie will be a community effort, and it will enrich the lives of film makers, experienced and inexperienced, in our area.

So what are you waiting for…. GO check out MURDER LOVES COMPANY and get involved!!!


And We’re BACK!

Summer vacation can only last so long, even for us students of Life Love and the pursuit of Tromatic Independent Cinema.   So after a brief pause from our beloved Tromemoir, we are back in action and brimming with all the fake blood, spewing with spittle and busting out with all sorts of vile vomitous maggot eaten new matrial for you to chew on.   Now on with the show, in the NEW PRODUCTIONS CATEGORY:

CONGRATULATIONS TO GEOFF TARULLI,  he has Successfully completed raising financing for his film on our very own Lloyd Kaufman: MOVIES OF THE FUTURE WITH LLOYD KAUFMAN: A Movie About An Underground Film Icon.

Genius Geoff took advantage of one of our favorite New York City startups, Kickstarter to collect funding from over 83 sources for his film.   check it out Here!