Ninja Zombies Screening!

You may recall back in August when we caught up with Yalie filmmaker Noah Cooper, up and coming director of Ninja Zombies (2010) on the scene at Troma studios.   Well we have exciting news, we’ve just been invited to see a screening!

The Mark Twain House & Museum reanimates a lifeless Saturday night in Hartford with an evening of undead laughs and ninja action. Connecticut filmmakers have asked MTH&M to unearth a rough cut screening of their new “bromaction-comedy” NINJA ZOMBIES. This work-in-progress charts the adventures of a group of nerds who must do battle with beer-soaked buddies and blood-spattered ninja zombies. Sequences of the film were shot at …the legendary Troma Studios in New York!


We tracked down Noah Cooper, up and coming director of Ninja Zombies (2010) on location on the set of his zombie film at Troma Studios.

After directing Award Winning Lloyd Kaufman, here’s what Noah had to say about working with and being inspired bythe  master of Low Budget Genre Bending Independent Cinema.  Noah also sheds light on why he chose to film at Troma Studios, what he learned from Troma about making Low Budget films, and shares his  own advice on making low budget Zombie special effects for a high quality production.


Noah Cooper, Michal Trzaska,  Tigi Thomas the lovely Arun Storrs and the crew of NINJA ZOMBIES are Live with Lloyd in Tromaville, filming Ninja Zombies from Troma Studios.

Lloyd Teaches Noah a lesson about directing, understated acting, and the power of improv.