Staycation Day Two – shoveling more s—

David F writes us from Long Island –

“Here on Long Island we got slammed pretty good – and I just (6:30am) dug out the porch/walk/driveway. Fortunately, the boss texted everybody late last night to say “stay home tomorrow”. Be careful, happy holidays, and enjoy your staycation in Snowmaville..(!) – Dave”

Well Dave, we wish you had told us sooner, becuase we would have sent our Dad out there to shovel your snow.


Stars, they’re just like us: Lloyd Kaufman Shovels Snow (so he doesn’t get sued)

The holidays are a time for family vacations.  In a typical year, the hybrid half Jewish half Christian family we are, we dedicate December to  lighting candles and decorating trees and then on the 26th we’re off somewhere on a FAMILY VACATION. Past destinations have included the jungles of Cameroon, Syria, Moroccan Deserts, Yemen, Ancient ruins in Jordan, New Years in Beiruit.  But this year, ladies and gentlemen,we are trying something truly exotic:  we are testing out what it is to be a tourist in NYC.

Day 1:  Today we saw two Broadway shows,  (La Bete and The Lion King) At the Lion King, the gentleman sitting next to dad asked him if he was “one of the actors from Sex and the City,” to which dad immediately said “well, no, but I could see why you might easily mistake me for Sarah Jessica Parker.”

We emerged from the theater into an oblivion of a blizzard.   We headed home through the blizzard, where we each picked up a shovel and wrapped up the day in front of our brownstone enjoying the delightful activity of shoveling snow.   Ah yes, dear reader, the pure joy of shoveling snow as a family, all of us, including my 65 year old film maker dad, hunched over in the midst of a grueling blizzard,  all of us together shoveling the snow in front of our brownstone so that no real tourists who walk by our house would slip in the snow and sue us.

oobleck in our garden

A Very Kaufman Christmas Card

Merry Christmas

with love, the Kaufmans

Christmas 1987

Kaufman’s  controversial The  Nativity ushered in  a new era of  spiritual film noir.  A co-production with his beautiful wife, and staring their three children, The Nativity will forever be recognized for Kaufman’s attention to detail with realistic props and wardrobe.  Kaufmans’ utilized the family copper tub used to store logs for the fireplace for the baby manger, and the exquisite costumes were created from nightgowns, napkins, a pair of fairy wings.  But it was Kaufman’s minimalist approach to wardrobe which the academy ultimately recognized when they awarded him with an Oscar for the baby cherub’s costume.