Tromemoir goes on Tour!

Tromemoir is going on tour!

After one too many times of taking too long to prepare the fake blood, not cleaning the toilets fast enough, sneaking a broom when we had been instructed to clean the floor with our very own toothbrushes, we’ve been banished and sent from the house for two weeks.

Conveniently, this cruel excommunication coincides with our TROMEMOIR MIDDLE EAST TOUR!

Were off on a late summer toxic travel adventure to the Arabian Peninsula! Follow us and Toxie here. As long as we can get internet, we’ll keep you posted of all things Troma, Lloyd Kaufman and Toxie related, and fill you in on what’s going down on the Arabian Peninsula.

As always, you can reach us at, if you have any specific cares interests, causes or just want a postcard, or to tell us you miss us. (And p.s. forgive the typos, we’ll be writing from any miscelaneous phone, internet cafe and homemade communication device we can get access to, but it won’t be easy)

Like any Kaufman Family Trip, it wouldn’t be a true family vacation without Toxie, so we’re pretty sure he’ll be making an appearance along the way.

Toxic Love, LLOYD’S KIDS


Check out our new Twitter functionality, Tweet any post you like, with our new TWEET button at the bottom of each post!

Dad loves twitter.  When we make our bed and fold our socks, he tweets our Tromemoir.  You can follow him @lloydkaufman, and now,  if you like one of our posts,  you can tweet it  yourself directly using the “TWEET” button at the  bottom of the page.

Pluck Your Own Damn Eyes Out

There are many dimensions to dad’s creativity.

Dad’s creativity is also proven when it comes to dreaming up subhumanoid superheroes, and outrageous genre bending plotlines for his films, his series of Make Your Own Damn Movie, Direct Your Own Damn Movie, Produce Your Own Damn Movie books,

And then of course Dad is known for his creativity when it comes to low budget special effects.    For example, his patented Full Head Crushing, Arm tearing off, or Mopping.  Here in this video, Lloyd Kaufman (pops) explains the art of Plucking your Own Damn Eyes Out (with a carrot.)


Thanks for all the awesome weekend reading!  Keep the Flash Fiction Flowing, we’re seeing some great creative masterpieces.

Send your creative TROMATIC FLASH FICTION, 550 words or less, by Sunday August 15th at Midnight  (to Winners to be selected by Lloyd Kaufman.  Your Flash Fiction Masterpiece must Include these key Tromatic Ingredients:

CHARACTERS: The Toxic Avenger, Sgt Kabuki Man, and Jet Blue Male Flight Attendant Steven Slater

LOCATION: Basement of Troma Studios (including warthog-sized rats and roaches the size leprechaun fists)

PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND: Justin Bieber song, on repeat.

Tromemoir to publish winner of TROMATIC FLASH FICTION FRIDAY

Calling all Troma Authors! Send your creative TROMATIC FLASH FICTION, 550 words or less, by Sunday August 15th at Midnight  (to


HERE are the key ingredients:

CHARACTERS: The Toxic Avenger, Sgt Kabuki Man, and Jet Blue Male Flight Attendant Steven Slater

LOCATION: Basement of Troma Studios (including warthog-sized rats and roaches the size leprechaun fists)

PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND: Justin Bieber song, on repeat.


You have until Sunday at midnight to create and complete  your flash fiction, and send your piece to us at

Winners will be selected by LLOYD KAUFMAN and posted here!


Lloyd Kaufman is an accomplished author, his Troma Times Best Selling titles include All I Needed To Know About Filmmaking I Learned From The Toxic Avenger (with James Gunn) Make Your Own Damn Movie (with Adam Jahnke and Trent Haaga) The Toxic Avenger: The Novel (with Adam Jahnke) Direct Your Own Damn Movie (with Sara Antill and Kurly Tlapoyawa) Produce Your Own Damn Movie (with Ashley Wren Collins) NOW LLOYD WANTS TO READ YOUR WRITING!


HERE are the key ingredients:

CHARACTERS: The Toxic Avenger, Sgt Kabuki Man, and Jet Blue Male Flight Attendant Steven Slater

LOCATION: Basement of Troma Studios (including warthog-sized rats and roaches the size leprechaun fists)

PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND: Justin Bieber song, on repeat.


Send your creative TROMATIC FLASH FICTION, 550 words or less, by Sunday August 15th at Midnight  (to

You’ll have until Sunday at midnight to create and complete  your flash fiction, and send your piece to us at

Winners will be selected by LLOYD KAUFMAN and posted here!


We hope you’re sharpening your pencils, and stewing up your creative juices, we’re looking forward to reading your FLASH FICTION!

Tomorrow we’ll release the prompt. Expect something like a first sentence,  or we’ll set up a scene, you throw in some Tromatic elements like head crushings, vomit, big brained women, etc…  to get you started on your flash fiction masterpiece. You, creative clever Troma fans have until Sunday to send us your of short writing (to max of 550 words.

You’ll have until Sunday at midnight to create and complete  your flash fiction, and send your piece to us at

Winners will be selected by LLOYD KAUFMAN and posted here!


A recent New York Times cover story reported Verizon and Google are nearing a deal which could threaten Net Neutrality and impede freedom of the internet as we know it.

Dad is always ranting about net neutrality, and he has been for a couple years.  You’ve probably seen his Net Neutrality PSA (click here) But WHAT IS NET NEUTRALITY?? We realized we don’t really understand.  So we cornered dad at his office and asked him to break down what Net Neutrality means, and why it is so important to you, me and anyone who uses the internet.

Michael Herz joined the discussion and added the important point that Net Neutrality levels the playing field beyond access alone, also guaranteeing the speed at which websites operate.  Without Net Neutrality some websites will run faster and with higher quality than others.